Free Verse # 355 (love’s sacred name)

My heart
A quiet house
Of dust and stars
And a candle drawing
Your face in the dark.


You come to me,
A poem
Wearing your fragrance
For a skirt;
I pen you
And the skirt disappears
Leaving me drenched
In your naked embrace,
The open presence of poetry.


For a gift
She gave me a feather
Plucked from her ribs
And with dawn for ink
Bid me to write
Her skin into a poem
Eternally breathing
Love’s sacred name.


With the salve of her lips
I balm my wounds;
With spring they flower,
Crimson poetry.


I sleep,
Your dark hair
A river
Flowing over my face,
A blanket of dark water
Healing my tired soul.

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