Haiku # 751

When he touched her
a window onto a summer field
opened in her heart

This longing within…
a cup overflowing
with the wine of poetry

قُبلَتَهُ على فَمِها
السماءُ التي منها
يَنبَلِجُ الفَجر

His kiss on her lips
the sky from which
the dawn breaks

I touched her
the way a poem begins
in a poet’s heart

Haiku # 750

Not only the city’s hum…
the rain strokes to a quiet
the noise in my heart

Touched by his fingers
it flowers…
the rose of her skin

Sous ses doigts fleurit
la rose de sa peau

تحت أصابِعِهِ يُزهِرْ
وردُ بَشَرَتِها

لوَجهِها بين يديّ
وهجُ الشمسِ
عند المَغيب

The sun at twilight…
the glow of her face
between his hands

Last Days of Summer

Last days of summer,
the damp autumn mists
cover the mountains;
we light a fire and sit,
an owl hoots
deep in the valley;
the potatoes roast,
wine smears our lips,
we are warm, together,
as the clouds billow lower
enveloping us, weaving
our story into the one
bursting all around.

Haiku # 734

في أعماقها
ما زالت تتذكر جريان النهر
عندما أحبّها

وحيداً أجول العالم
لبيتي سطحٌ
من ريحٍ ونجوم

A wanderer I am…
my home is only
a roof of stars and wind

قلبيَ الوحيد
عصفورٌ إسودّ ريشُهُ
معِ الزمن

This prayer…
burning whispers
between our lips

Wherever he goes
he carries
her fragrance in his heart

Kissing Her Neck

Like fresh morning dew
my kisses sink into her neck,
from her chin down
to the hollow above her chest,
going around to her collarbones,
then to her nape at the back
as I lift her dark hair,
falling slowly to the expanse
between her shoulder blades…

…my kisses circle her neck
like a Sufi turns
ecstatic and feverish,
lost in prayer
as with each turn
he falls deeper
lost in God.

Free Verse # 461 (one moment with you)

أجلُسُ وحيداً معكِ ولو كانَ بيننا ألفُ شخضٍ وشخص.


You pull me up when the whole world is pulling me down, and that is enough.


Rien ne réchauffe sans amour.


نحنُ دائماً مُغَلَفين بِأنفُسِنا.


قليل من الشعر ليروي عطش الليل.


life flows a little more
into my veins
at the thought of touching you…
this life becomes fire
and has the name of poetry


In my dreams I wander
solitary as the moon,
only her eyes call me on and on
to hidden horizons,
to poetry, to wine,
to madness,
to a love so great
it tears open
the whole sky.


Though I come
with a laden heart,
one moment with you
empties me
of all my burdens.


Light touching her skin
A halo of poetry


When I touch you
even in thought
I am relieved
from that dreadful weight
pressing on my chest


Stripped bare
by this music;
a leaf
left trembling
in the passing wind.


Between his hands
her body swayed…
a violin aching
to weep
the sweetest music


The kiss he plucked from her mouth
a ripe fruit, red and bitter sweet,
filled with so much longing that
a tremor traveled between them
shaking the old fault lines and roots
and shaping them anew,
forged along the outlines
of their merging bodies.

Free Verse # 459 (كل ضجيج العالم)

كل ضجيج العالم يتلاشى عندما أسمع صوتك.


هي قصيدةٌ مكتوبةٌ بلغة
أرغبُ أن أُمضي حياتي
وأنا أُترجمها


في هذا العالم المجنون
يبقى حُبُنا ملاذُنا الآمِن،
فيهِ نكون نوعاً آخَرَ من الجنون،
فيهِ نكون أنا أنا وأنتِ أنتِ.


كأنّ قصيدتي تتلمَّس
دفءَ بَشَرَتِها


كلما مرّ لساني على شفتي،
أحسستُ بطعمها،
نبيذٌ أحمر، نارٌ، شعر،
كأن روحي قد ثملت
وهي تشرب من روحها.

Free Verse # 458 (watching her sleep)

This warmth between us
the knitted verse of poetry


Life happens while you wait
for a lover to ease the knot of fate


What am I? — Just a shadow passing in the rain.


If someone asked me
what proof have I got
that I really lived,
I’d only have my poetry.


Wounded by this longing,
I write poetry.


Water washes the skin but rain cleanses the soul.


she walks in my dreams
spilling moonlight
from her dark hair,
her breath
a candle whispering
the softest intimacy.


Watching her sleep,
to the candle’s light
he weaves his breath
and covers her gently.

Haiku # 711

Cruising into old age,
reading books
and writing poetry.


With one foot in the grave
she sits smiling at me…
my mother


هذا المطر
في عتمةِ الليل عاشِقَين
يُقَبِلان بَعضَهُما


This rain…
in the dark night two lovers
passionately kissing


كقمرٍ في الماء
وأنا أُقَبِلُها

Love Desired

The passing years
knitted our lives
closer and closer
until we became
woven together
into a single fabric,
our beings emitting
a deeply harmonious music
as they merged over and over
with ever increasing intensity,
enlarging our love,
this world between us,
this infinitely warm nest,
to fill the whole sky,
mirroring each other
ever so truthfully,
ever so nakedly,
in the still water of our silence,
our shared and beating heart.

Wandering Thought # 116

Loving each other meant transforming into the best versions of ourselves we could ever be; it meant finding, through each other, the secret source of joy in our own hearts; it meant opening up and flowing, but also being contained and cradled; it meant traveling away and going, but always connected by a hidden thread, and always under a watchful and caring eye. Love is being in becoming, always from the central place in our own hearts.


As I hold my pen
her skin under my fingers
stretches into a landscape,
each word I write
spins a little vortex,
a turning Sufi, a small flower,
all spreading across her skin,
spreading like a fire,
dripping into her soul
and coursing deep down,
filling her with more love
than she can understand,
with unbearable gentleness
opening her wide,
opening her to God,
opening her to the sky.

One by one I kiss
the flowers of her skin,
then look into her eyes.

Tanka # 210

She didn’t feel
the frost on her skin
until it melted
under the warmth
of his fingertips


مشّطتُ شعرها على مهل
وقبّلت الندى على كتفيها
ثم جلست بينما استلقت هيَ
وأمسكتُ القلم وسال الشعر
حبرا على بشرتها


Things break,
people die,
friends and lovers
go into the night
and return no more.

Tangled & Merging

Night falls,
her dark hair in rivulets
fills its lonesome corners;
the candle of her breath
ignites somewhere
inside the vast darkness,
casting a play of shadows
against the spinning walls;
a cloistered world,
an intimate world
of poetry and wine
and our lips
and our naked bodies
tangled and merging
somewhere deep inside.